Monday, June 10, 2024

Immanuel Niven ir jo prognozės

MSN išmetė antraštę "The 'Putin system' is beginning to collapse" ( Pasidarė įdomu, kas tas Immanuel Niven (filosofas ir matematikas) ir ką jis sako. Iš pažiūros teiginiai teisingi. 

Trumpa paieška ir užtikau įdomų blogą iš Brazilijos kur duodama kita nuoroda į I. Niveno straipsnelį. 

Diplomatizzando: There is NO alternative to the defeat of Putin - Immanuel Niven

Man patiko A. Einstein'o citata:

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough".

Šis tekstas bando viską paaiškinti "ant pirštų":




You just have to compare his goals (which he tried to reach within a few weeks) with reality. These are the facts regarding Putin's real "strength":

▪️Does he have air superiority over Ukraine?

No. On the contrary, the extent of his superiority is diminishing.

▪️Is Ukraine "demilitarized"?

No. On the contrary.

▪️ Has he prevented the expansion of NATO?

No. On the contrary.

▪️Has he restored Russia's imperial greatness?

No. On the contrary, he is now just "the little partner of big China".

So in short:

Only a clear victory for Ukraine can

▪️minimize the duration of the war,

▪️prevent a future war on NATO territory,

▪️weaken the China-Iran-Russia axis, and

▪️lead to real peace.

These are the facts, simply explained, just as Einstein's quote encourages us to deal with complex issues. Once we can explain these issues simply, we can draw the right conclusions.

The conclusion of this post is quite clear:

In the best interest of humanity, there is no alternative to a CLEAR VICTORY FOR UKRAINE. 


End of quote

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