Monday, September 29, 2014

Ukraine now

... and Ukraine then. Here is the review by Glenn Beck of a documentary called "The Soviet Story" (the story is on youtube). How eerie. :

Senator McCain on the events in Ukraine:

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pora gerų straipsnių

... pirmas yra apie Bobelio šeimos istoriją, ypač tai kas liečia Brazaitį ir sukilimą prieš sovietus (dvi geros nuorodos apie tuos įvykius - pirma ir antra). ... antras yra R. Valatkos straipsnelis apie vakarų dabartinę impotenciją ir tai ko dabar reikia Lietuvai.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Edward Lucas apie situaciją Ukrainoje

... ir ką tai reiškia Vakarams. Straipsnis čia.

Keletas citatų:

"Russia is far too weak to mount a conventional military attack on the West. But it does not need to. It has more potent weapons, of the kind already seen in Ukraine – the confusing and fast-changing combination of regular and irregular forces, economic sanctions, energy blockades, political destabilisation, information warfare, financial panics, and cyber-attacks. Traditional armed forces are not equipped to deal with this."

"A security crisis in the Baltic region is the single most dangerous threat facing the Atlantic alliance. Reckless behaviour by Russia could face us with a choice between a full-scale military confrontation (including the potential use of nuclear weapons), or surrender, with the collapse of our most fundamental security arrangements. We must make every effort to ensure that this does not happen."

"We also need to improve the West’s resilience and solidarity in the face of Russian pressure. Lithuania has built its own floating LNG terminal, which will become operational in December of this year, with the arrival of the aptly named “Independence” a vessel constructed in South Korea. Already, Gazprom’s grip on Lithuania’s natural gas market has slackened, and Lithuania has bene able to negotiate a discount from the extortionate price – the highest in Europe – which the Russian gas giant had been charging. As energy editor of the Economist, I am sceptical of the idea that we will ever have a deep and liquid global LNG market: the technology and costs involved hinder the development of the needed supply chain. However at the margins, LNG does make a big difference, blunting the edge of any artificial emergency that Russia may try to create with selective supply interruptions."