Friday, March 6, 2020

Wolfgang Streeck apie pasaulį kryžkelėje

Vokiečių sociologas Wolfgang Streeck diskutuoja apie neoliberalizmo pabaigą.

Gali su kai kuo nesutikti, bet tai skalsus penas mintims - gal tikrai esam arti lūžio taško? Laisvosios rinkos/neoliberalizmo "kiekvienas už save" ideologijai artėja galas ir jį pakeis kitas modelis? Bet kaip jis atrodys ir kokie galimi keliai? Daugiau įžvalgų čia:

Keletas minčių - jas užrašiau is pokalbio, gali būti maži skirtumai:

"Neoliberal recipe of how to run this world is failing"

"Agencies of governance are the big central banks"

"Do they [banks] know what they are doing? ...
This policy of producing money - senselessly, unendingly - nobody knows where this is going to end ...
There is no economic growth supported by zero interest rate ...
People say there is no inflation but we have incredibly inflated asset prices ..."

"Now there are two hegemons: the US and China...
Americans have featured Russia as the enemy in order to keep Europeans in the American camp. Now they have to change their perspective and look at the real beast which is China ..."

"Capitalism knows of no brakes"

"Why do we work so hard? ...
You are born into society with institutionalized repertoire of activities...
The pressure to live the kind of life that the others are living is enormous ..."

"At this point [1970s] globalization and neo-liberalism conjoined forces. After three decades of neo-liberalism and globalisation, now people look around and they see that the most of promises were not delivered on...
Then comes a moment in which people in these countries remember that there was protective social state.
Where is it?
And they look around and see all these third way people who tell them "yeah we demolished it for things to be progressive enough"...
And then they begin to vote for all sorts of sovereignists who promise to restore the protective capacity of national sovereignity. And that is the counter-movement that we are now seeing.
That countermovement does not have to be left wing and in fact there is not credible center-left politics left"

"Now we are re-discovering that as individuals we depend on the society"

"If you want to go quickly, go alone; if you want to go far, go together"

"Politics is the provision of opportunities for people to get together and be productive...
But you need politics for this, it is not just the market"

P.S. čia pokalbis panašiomis temomis su R. Kuodžiu

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