žinomas CNN politikos apžvalgininkas Fareed Zakaria super įtemptoje politinėje situacijoje (JAV prezidento rinkimų kompanija) daro tai, ką geras žurnalistas turi daryti - pateikia faktus kurie prieštarauja tam ką sako kandidatas į prezidentus Bernie Sanders.
CNN apžvalgininkas sako, kad nusiteikimas prieš atominę energiją kyla iš emocinės reakcijos įtakotos 2-3 avarijų. Cituoju Fareed Zakaria (3:00 žemiau esanciame video):
"According to one study, nuclear energy is 250 times safer than oil and 300 times safer than coal"
"Viena analizė rodo, kad atominė energija yra 250 k. saugesnė nei nafta ir 300 k. saugesnė nei anglis."
- Fareed Zakaria
Monday, February 17, 2020
Sunday, February 2, 2020
mintis šiai dienai - apie populizmą
"Unlike the Catholic Church or the communists of old, the new populism lacks any catechetical or pedagogical ambitions. New populist leaders don't fantasize about changing their societies. They don't imagine people in terms of what they might become; they like them just the way they are. Empowering people without any common project is the ambition of the new populism. In this sense, the new populism is perfectly suited to societies where citizens are consumers above all else and view their leaders as waiters who are expected to move quickly in fulfilling their wishes."
- Ivan Krastev
"After Europe"
- Ivan Krastev
"After Europe"
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